Wednesday, May 18, 2011

the helplessness of the Doctors

the Post graduate Trainees of this New Named Province are under Strike as protest demonstration against the Dumb behaviour of the Rulers of People, as the previous name The Server of People is very ill-suited for this species.

it would be very hard for the lay men to understand and realize the difficulties as faced by the people once termed as The Cream of Nation, the very people who work Day hard And during the nights to make their best efforts in providing health facilities to the ailing nation, and in return expect just sweet words, because the folks visiting a government health facility have nothing else to offer.

In this era when the Government itself is robbing the people of whatever they have got to run its own office and provide Basic Facilities like Bullet-proof vehicles to the elected lot, to pay the expanses of its overseas visits and most important to pay for the War Against terror, the people take every one as allien and its enemy who suggests any thing on your own like your own medical expanses.

Dear Country men, if you are paying extra fare because petrol price soar, and the vendor is charging you extra because of the same reason then our demand to have a raise in oour salary is just you would agree.

We are left with no other resorts as despite several reminders the Government so far has paid no heed to what we say, so in extreme helplessness we are forced to call a strike.

The Power Of People is the man Power of Government.

if we Do NOT Record our protest now, there would be no use later as the annual budget would fail to register the required needs.

It is not our sole War, it is a point for a new initiative, the Need For a Composite and solid structure for Basic Health Facility For Every Pakistani irrespective of cast, region, sect or Gender.

Together We CAN

Muhammad Zubair,

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